Atari 400, 800, XL, XE

Veröffentlichung Frühjahr 1985
Vertrieb Atari
Atari Corp.
1196 Borregas Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Entwicklung Atari
Atari, Inc.
1265 Borregas Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Programmierung Steve Crandall
Grafik Gary Johnson
Audio Brad Fuller
Produktcode RX8048
Genre Shoot'em up!
Medium Steckmodul
Steuerung Joystick, Trackball
Spieler 1–2
Wertung ★★★★
min. Arbeitsspeicher 16 kB RAM

You Don't Just Play MILLIPEDE – You Feel It!

Now, the Thrill of the Arcade Game at Home

Creepy crawly bugs like jumping spiders, buzzing bees, bouncing beetles, mosquitoes, dragonflies, inchworms and earwigs have invaded your little garden patch – and you've got to blast fast to get rig of them! But watch out! The millipedes – cousins to the famed centipede – are the most insidious insects of all! Fast action graphics and real bug sounds make this game just like the arcade smash hit! Even use your TRAK-BALL controller for a quicker assault on those bothersome bugs!

Die Arbeitstitel des Spiels waren Centipede Plus und Centipede Deluxe.

Millipede (Atari, 1982)

Weitere Versionen
Millipede (Atari 2600)
Millipede (Atari 5200)
Millipede (Atari ST)

Weitere Titel der Centipede-Reihe


Midi Maze Missile Command

Letzte Seitenbearbeitung: 26. Juni 2024