Atari 400, 800, XL, XE
Donkey Kong

Veröffentlichung 06/1983
Vertrieb und Entwicklung Atari
Atari, Inc.
1265 Borregas Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Programmierung Landon Dyer
Grafik Mona Lundstrom
Audio Brad Fuller
Produktcode RX8031
Genre Jump 'n Run
Medium Steckmodul
Steuerung Joystick
Spieler 1–2
Wertung ★★★★

Boxtext XL-Version
You Don't Just Play DONKEY KONG – You Feel It!

You can feel an exciting tingle up and down your spine when you play DONKEY KONG at home, just like at an arcade. Your joystick guides Mario, the fearless carpenter, up the girders and elevators as he attempts to rescue his sweetheart from the clutches of Donkey Kong. All the thrills of the arcade game in a home computer version for one or two players.

Boxtext XE-Version
Monkey Business on the Monkey Bars

You are Mario, the fearless carpenter, and that big gorilla, Donkey Kong has run off with your girlfriend. It's up to you to struggle up those ladders and balance on those beams to rescue your lady fair. She's held captive at the very top. But Donkey Kong is not ready to give her up so easily. He's tossing barrels and fireballs at you at every turn. It's up to you to outmaneuver that wily ape. Good luck, your lady awaits!

ドンキーコング (Donkey Kong) (Nintendo, 1981)

Weitere Versionen
Donkey Kong (Acorn Electron / BBC Micro)
Donkey Kong (Apple II)
Donkey Kong (Atari 2600)
Donkey Kong (Atari 7800)
Donkey Kong (Commodore 64)
Donkey Kong (Commodore VIC-20)
Donkey Kong (IBM PC)
Donkey Kong (IBM PCjr)
Donkey Kong (Texas Instruments TI-99/4A)

Weitere Titel der Donkey Kong-Reihe
Donkey Kong Junior

Verpackung, XL-Serie

Modul XL-Version

Verpackung, XE-Serie

Modul XE-Version
Dig Dug Donkey Kong Junior

Letzte Seitenbearbeitung: 20. Mai 2024