Atari Lynx
Gates of Zendocon

Vorstellung 03.06.1989
(Summer CES, USA Chicago)
Veröffentlichung USA 21.11.1989
Japan 12/1989
Europa 04/1990
Vertrieb Atari
Atari Corporation
1196 Borregas Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Entwicklung Epyx
Epyx, Inc.
600 Galveston Dr
Redwood City, CA 94063
Programmierung Peter Engelbrite
Produktcode PA2023
Genre Shooter
Medium Steckkarte
Spieler 1
Wertung ★★★★

Gates of Zendocon

The hideous spider Zendocon captured you and sent you deep into its web of 51 deadly universes. You must survive each universe and its hostile alien inhabitants if you hope to return home.

You will find allies along the way. If you can free Zendocon's alien slaves, they will help you search for the Gates that will transport you from one universe to the next.

Can you survive Zendocon's challenge? You must survive! Your reward for success is the chance for sweet revenge – a duel to the death with the evil spider itself!


Full Court Press Gauntlet: The Third Encounter

Letzte Seitenbearbeitung: 21. Juli 2024