Atari 7800

Veröffentlichung USA 11/1986
Kanada 11/1986
Europa 06/1989
Vertrieb Atari
Atari Corporation
1196 Borregas Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Entwicklung GCC
General Computer Corp.
209 Burlington Rd
New Bedford, MA 01730
Produktcode CX7810
Genre Shoot'em up!
Medium Steckmodul
Steuerung Joystick/Joypad
Spieler 1–2
Wertung ★★★★★

It's dangerous! It's devious! It's Xevious!

The aliens have landed! Or have they? These invading barbarians from deep space claim they are the true Earth people, and we are the aliens! It's too late to parley. The battle is on! And the Xevions have most of the weapons. Only one person can save Earth. But who?

ゼビウス (Xevious) (Namco, 1982)

Weitere Versionen
Xevious (Atari 2600)
Xevious (Atari 5200)
Xevious (Atari XL/XE)


Xenophobe 32 in 1 Game Cartridge

Letzte Seitenbearbeitung: 30. Juni 2024